Sunday, August 10, 2014

Bits and Pieces of Observations and Thoughts from Our Group

Which member of the WNE men's soccer team has a budding career as a tenor?

Why is there so much graffiti in Spain?     We've noticed so much graffiti on public buildings; sidewalks, walls, and especially disappointing historic buildings and doors that appeared to have been there for centuries.

Why can't we get around like the Spanish?    There are so many transportation options in the cities that we have seen; rental bikes, motor bikes, bike lanes, bus lanes, metro and even double decker buses and small tourist transport trains.  Need we tell you how much we have walked?

Smoking is permitted.  It doesn't take much to find cigarette smokers and cigarette butts in very public places.

Ice is a rare commodity in Spain.  It's amazing that what we perceive is a cold drink and what the Spanish perceive as a cold drink is very different, in our experience.

Itty bitty elevators; barely room for two players and luggage.

Where are the public water fountains?

The pace of life and the siesta are very different from what we are used to as Americans.

Energy efficiency in the hotels includes using the key card to control the lights and AC.

Shower door design leads to puddles.

Food staples: pork and ham.

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